Introductory Video

Welcome to The Healthful Mind 12 Week Health Empowerment Programme

Over the coming weeks you will learn many things about yourself, how your body and mind work, what you have been doing that has created your problems (inadvertently!) and therefore not only what you can do to change it, but from day 1 you will be making those changes.

The most important thing to know and remember as we go through this programme, it is the doing that counts.

Doing every bit of the process is essential to get the best results possible.

The more you do the healthier and the happier you will become!

Although this is a 12 week process you can take it slower if need be. Never feel you are getting behind because the way this course is modelled you can slow it down, but not speed it up as that would mean missing out on the doing.

To get the full benefit from this programme join our closed facebook group, here you will meet other Healthful Minds, find support and ideas and share your wins and progress. It is here that I will be doing the live Q&A's too each week, mainly on a Saturday at 10am but you will be notified each week.

Join the FB group here:

I look forward to working with you and seeing the transformation from surviving to thriving.

Alexa xx

Before starting this 12 week programme you might like to watch this short training video, if you haven't already done so. It will give you a head start on the understanding of the route we are about to take and why.

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